Friday, September 23, 2016

What you should know about SEO and Mobile Marketing

What should you know about SEO and Mobile Marketing?

SEO is closely associated with the media or content you provide and post on the internet.

Mobile Marketing or Marketing period is related to your efforts to let people know about your media or content.

I know the above two sentences sound like common sense, but many new business owners who are taking their products, media, and content to the web are still confused about these two most important tools for internet exposure.

Example you have a brick and mortar business whether it be an ice cream shop, or a fashion boutique. You are convinced that the internet can successfully provide awareness and let others know your business exist.

So, you create a professional website, everyone you know tells you it is awesome, it looks great. Your sites Meta Data is right on key, you have picked the appropriate keywords, you have even provide authoritative links. And now you are completely ready to dominate the internet you are set to tell all those new customers how delicious your home made ice cream is, right.

I wish that was the case, let's elaborate using the tool SEO.

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization

As it stands right now you only have one element pointing or directing the internet traffic to your sight, your webpage. Sure it is search engine optimized and able to be shown on different sized screens. You cannot however, expect anyone other than your close friends to know your site exist.

Think about your brick and mortar establishment, how many signs do you have up in the window. I dare to say you do not only have one sign in the window, but that window is covered with ice cream paraphernalia. How about inside your store. Do you only have one sign on the wall behind the counter (Ice Cream) again I will stake the claim that you do not have only one sign. You have all 101 flavors, prices, and pictures of the delicious cold desert everywhere.

Hence it would be completely unacceptable to think that having just a website is enough to attract new customers.

Enough rambling, here is what you need to do, create a youtube video, create a blog, create banners and other images for your,,, and or accounts.

Do Not Eat another burger until you have watched this video!
The more platforms you have pointing to your site, the more likely you will increase your SEO stats.

There is no magical formula, there is no automatic solution that you and your business can institute to sway the search engines. Unless first you create enough content to get there attention.

You should have already considered SEO when developing your website or blog. Do Not think that you will tackle this element of an internet business after your site is built.

What about mobile marketing? 

I know you are saying, but I have created a website and according to your directions I have a blog talking about my site, I have a Facebook page for my business, I have even created a twitter account strictly devoted to my business and website. Isn't this enough marketing and aren't these platforms mobile?

Again let's think about your brick and mortar business. Do the people in your community only know about your business because of your building that says you have ice cream. Or, have you enlisted the help of an advertisement agency to promote your business.

This means ads in the local paper, on the local radio station, and if your budget allows local tv. Do you have a billboard on the highway pointing to your business? Did you distribute flyers when you first opened? Do you still distribute flyers or other marketing material when you have a special.

With the above example, I hope you get the point marketing is more than just having a website or blog. Whether you choose to pay for it or convince other sites to give your site or blog a shout out, you need a marketing plan.

"Peace is no friend of mankind and Security ye shall never find."
Here is what you can do, you can setup a Adwords campaign, or, you can boost your posts about your business, websites, and blogs on and And other forms of paid advertisement and marketing to let the internet know your website entity exist.

Your other option if money is a problem. You can contact the major players on the internet, for example, (The Huffington Post, TechCrunch, Mashable, or maybe you link with a major Youtube channel) and get them to mention your site or blog. You also can contact other sites that are related to your particular business and create a synergy that helps both of your causes.

There is no magic formula or solution that will give your business or your website an automatic edge that increases your traffic exponentially without you first putting in some substantial online leg work.

Please know that SEO and Mobile Marketing needs your considerable attention, if you wish to grow your online business.


Making Money on the Internet Should Be Easy Just as easy as pressing a button.

The majority of the people who are looking to make money on the internet, want to do so with minimal effort. Is this really possible? Should you believe all the hype? Should you spend your last few dollars to do so?

Can you make money right now just by pushing a button?

Word of mouth most of the time it is free, have you ever got paid, just because you recommended a product that you found useful or a product you thought was awesome. Most would have to admit that the answer is no. And yet...

That is exactly what is offering.

By combining the power of word of mouth with today's electronic media we produce an unstoppable force to propel our dreams further than we ever imagined. And now...

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Can Making Money on the internet be as easy as pressing or touching a button.

Find out for yourself @

The Dream Button! Is now Active

The Dream Button... Is now Active... If you play the game and follow the clues eventually you will have the code. This game is worth the effort.

For more details visit and follow the button.

Hint #1: It is like a scavenger hunt.
This is an advertisement, to promote the book, We Are gods! The Novel. More details at In the mean time Dream A Big Dream.

Buy! Read! Review! We Are gods! The Novel on Amazon - Kindle.

Ever Tangled With Lightning

Got a crowdfunding project/campaign, need a boost, Fund Your Dreams. 

Upcoming Campaign

Friday, August 12, 2016

5 Life Altering Technologies Responsible for Making Trillions

5 Life Altering Technologies Responsible for Making Trillions by Arthur S. Newman
What do you think here to stay or raring to go?
Social Media
We all can still hear the faint sound of You Got Mail which has gone the way of the Mars Rover at least one of the Rovers and the CB radio.
Now thanks to social media we liketweet, chat, postpin, and now Go.
Need a loan, no where to turn but the local bank, or credit card, and if you were really desperate payday loans could see you through until your next paycheck.
Thanks Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Gofundme, and other crowdfunding sites too numerous to list. We are no longer at the mercy of those loan sharks.
Tablet PC’s
Oh the excitement of watching cellphones (Oh yeah at some point in the past they were called Car Phones) get smaller and smaller, even better I had the internet in my pocket, well almost.
I just wish I could see the screen when watching my favorite videos. Your wish is my command, whether you have a fetish for iOS or Android, maybe you still clean your Windows, there is a tablet for all you're viewing pleasures.
Streaming Audio Video Data
Does anyone remember the Sony Walkman music in the palm of your hand, how about Blockbuster Video, Hollywood Video, Movie Gallery, Video World, etc… At least the home computer and cable tv is safe, right?
No, we cannot completely cut the cord on computing and cable just yet, but we have come pretty close. We can stream just about anything and after we figure out 3D printing. Just imagine what’s next. “Beam Me Up, Scotty”
She chirp, He chirp, We chirp,
I chirp, You chirp, They chirp,
Be chirp Be chirp a lu She chirp
Ok maybe I went overboard with those lyrics, thinks Cyndi, and I admit it, I really did enjoy my Nextel. Can someone tell me why Motorola and Nokia could not recapture the Glory Days.
Man I just can’t put this thing down, it does not matter whether eating, drinking, driving, working, sleeping and pooping. It is always there waiting for me to touch it.
What does any of this have to do with financial freedom and your independence from the proverbial rat race?
What if you were at the beginning or start of each of these life altering technologies?
There is nothing new under the sun, it’s all been done before, just a different way to present it.
Think about it, the list above all represent one common theme Communication which is as old as time and creation.
“Let there be light.”
I have been told that my writing for the most part is deep and thought provoking, and I would say that is a fair and true assessment, at least I strive to make the reader pause and reflect.
However this article was meant to be light and airy, I hope you never stop chasing your dreams.

"Dreaming is good, but it is better to live your dream."
Speaking of dreams did I mention that the Dream Button is now active and free to play. The best part 1 person out of 100 will win a $100 gift card of their choice. No Purchase Necessary.
The Dream Button and a $100 Gift Card on Youtube
There is a clue on this page, you could be the 1 in 100, your gift card awaits.

Making Money on the Internet Should Be Easy Just as easy as pressing a button.

The majority of the people who are looking to make money on the internet, want to do so with minimal effort. Is this really possible? Should you believe all the hype? Should you spend your last few dollars to do so?

Can you make money right now just by pushing a button?

Word of mouth most of the time it is free, have you ever got paid, just because you recommended a product that you found useful or a product you thought was awesome. Most would have to admit that the answer is no. And yet...

That is exactly what is offering.

By combining the power of word of mouth with today's electronic media we produce an unstoppable force to propel our dreams further than we ever imagined. And now...

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Post It
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Get Paid for It!

Buy It! Read It! Review It! 

Tell someone about It!... Get Paid for It!

Can Making Money on the internet be as easy as pressing or touching a button.

Find out for yourself @

The Dream Button! Is now Active

The Dream Button... Is now Active... If you play the game and follow the clues eventually you will have the code. This game is worth the effort.

For more details visit and follow the button.

Hint #1: It is like a scavenger hunt.
This is an advertisement, to promote the book, We Are gods! The Novel. More details at In the mean time Dream A Big Dream.

Buy! Read! Review! We Are gods! The Novel on Amazon - Kindle.

Ever Tangled With Lightning

Got a crowdfunding project/campaign, need a boost, Fund Your Dreams. 

Friday, July 1, 2016

10 Steps to Starting an Online Business

Why start an Online Business?
Is it because someone suggested it to you as an easy way to make some extra money?
Maybe you heard about the latest internet sensation, where someone started selling a specific toy or other novelty and was able to quit their day job.
Just perhaps you are starting to believe all of the internet hype about having an online business, working form home, ditching the nine to five, firing your boss.
You have heard the headlines, Millions Now are Making Millions Online with this simple technique. Ok the last one was an exaggeration, but it does not stop the internet gurus from toting that misconception.
Whatever your reason for wanting to start a business online, make sure you know whats involved before stepping out onto the ledge, and jumping in.
Most people are seeking to be free form the day to day drudgery called work, and perhaps are seeking to do something more than build someone else dream.
The ultimate goal sometime before retirement for all of us is to look back and say I made a difference, let me go and enjoy my Financial Freedom.
Whether we achieve that goal earlier in life or sometime down the road ultimately it rest with you.
Your Financial Freedom Starts With You
Your main goal for wanting to start a business online is to do what you love.
I will throw the second goal in just in case you do not have a second goal.
Financial Freedom or Financial Independence either denotes not having to worry any longer about having enough money at the end of the Month, Year or Life, and for those who really want to live a simple life enough money at the end of the bills. We could also say becoming independently wealthy.
So, now that we have our priorities straight, let’s ask the obvious question.                               Continue Reading Below...

                                Get your free copy of this book today!
10 Steps to Starting an Online Business

Can starting an online business help me to achieve these two goals?
Do What You Love
Become Financially Free
The answer is yes, many have done exactly that. Now your personal definition for doing what you love is up to you as well as becoming financially free.
I just read about a couple who moved deep in the woods, their home is a modest cabin, which is mostly operated with natural resources. To them, they are doing what they love, and they have achieved financial freedom.
I have also been told about a single person who has paid off all of their student debt, and personal debt. And now makes a comfortable salary of $1500 dollars a month.
You are probably saying stop the presses fifteen hundred dollars a month, that will not even start my car and get me to work for a whole month.
Before the wheels of disbelief start turning, let me finish this short example.
His rent is $575 a month, all utilities are paid except electricity which runs about $130.00 a month. There is only an internet bill of $59.00 a month. The grocery bill is $200 a month which includes eating out occasionally. And there is a modest entertainment and miscellaneous budget included in the monthly bills. There was no mention of an insurance payment, so we would have to believe it is nominal.
If you total the outgoing cash, it equals $964.00 + Misc. + Insurance + Savings + Taxes. The salary again is $1500 a month. There is a surplus of $536 - Misc - Insurance - Savings - Taxes.
Believe it or not this person considers himself to be financial free.
As you can see from the above examples your idea of being financially free is really a matter of perception.
The point is you can become financially free by doing what you love and the internet could be a catalyst to this personal status.
This brings us to the 10 Steps to Starting an Online Business.
Step 1
Don’t quit your day job, well not just yet.
You may be at your wits end with your job and looking for a reason to leave.
Some of the internet advertisement will have you thinking that you can start your business today and quit your job tomorrow.
Especially with the claims of making thousands of dollars a week or more, and being able to quit their day job, thus firing their boss. Although there are a few success stories floating around about individuals doing just that, it would be irresponsible for anyone to leave the impression that by starting a business online that this will bring you instant wealth.
Unless your site gets thousands of visitors daily, and your product is selling like hotcakes, which would mean you have the golden ticket. Starting an online business can be and for the most part a very satisfying endeavor, but will take patience on your part before it turns the kind of profits that will allow you to quit your day job.
Does that mean you should not even bother?
Try this, hold out both of your hands, now ask yourself. What is in the palm of my hands? The answer is nothing.
So if you have nothing and you do nothing, nothing is what you will get.
I know this sounds obvious, but how many people do you know that everyday tell you about there dreams of starting a business, or maybe just have a dream of leaving their job to do something they really love to do.
The sad part is they never do it.
The results NOTHING!
So even though starting your online business may take some time to grow. At least you are moving in a very positive direction.
Step 2
Do Not Pay for advice on how to start an online business.
I promise you that this is a very important step, the internet is teaming with self promoted educational systems costing you a monthly fee of $9.99 to $299.99 or greater. Or you will see for a one time fee of $119.00 you will get everything you need to start your own internet business.
Please do not give your hard earned money to any of these sites whether legitimate or not.
You can find an extensive amount of advice, course after course book after book, for profit that is toted throughout the internet, The same courses and books can be found, online for free.
Just think about this. If the lawn guy shows up and offers you advice on what type of mower you should use, what type of gas to put in it, what type of flowers to plant in your garden, how to layout your patio stones. And then holds out his hand and says that will be $299.00, will you pay for that advice.
Well, I hope you would not. In fact you are expecting him to cut the grass and if his mower needs gas he had better supply the gas. If he does not have the flowers already, he had better be planning to make a second trip. Also I should hope he got a very good deal on those patio stones.
It would be ridiculous to pay someone to just give advice about cutting your lawn. Just as it is ridiculous for someone to expect payment for giving out free advice.
For $9.99 a month you had better be offering me some type of advertisement, web tool, or writing an article for my website or blog, or free traffic to my site; and do not even ask me what you should be doing for $299.00 a month.
With that being said, if they are offering a service like SEO or website optimization, advertisement perks, setting up your blog or website, hosting your blog or website, writing articles for your blog or website, driving traffic to your blog or website. Then I would gladly pay the standard rate for such services.
If they offer you a guarantee on your investment, then by all means settle accounts and get it in writing.
For $9.99 a month I will guarantee that you will make that back in sales from your site every month.
If they offer that guarantee then count me in, please sign me up and sign on the dotted line.
It is alarming how many websites are offering advice and training on how to setup or start an online business with no guarantee that you will make a return on your investment. I am sorry please sell your snake oil to someone else.
I am not that sick, or that sick of my job.

The next 8 steps will get your business online. If you would like to receive this free book please send an email to:

Making Money on the Internet Should Be Easy Just as easy as pressing a button.

The majority of the people who are looking to make money on the internet, want to do so with minimal effort. Is this really possible? Should you believe all the hype? Should you spend your last few dollars to do so?

Can you make money right now just by pushing a button?

Word of mouth most of the time it is free, have you ever got paid, just because you recommended a product that you found useful or a product you thought was awesome. Most would have to admit that the answer is no. And yet...

That is exactly what is offering.

By combining the power of word of mouth with today's electronic media we produce an unstoppable force to propel our dreams further than we ever imagined. And now...

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Text It
Email It
Post It
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Get Paid for It!

Buy It! Read It! Review It! 

Tell someone about It!... Get Paid for It!

Can Making Money on the internet be as easy as pressing or touching a button.

Find out for yourself @

The Dream Button! Is now Active

The Dream Button... Is now Active... If you play the game and follow the clues eventually you will have the code. This game is worth the effort.

For more details visit and follow the button.

Hint #1: It is like a scavenger hunt.
This is an advertisement, to promote the book, We Are gods! The Novel. More details at In the mean time Dream A Big Dream.

Buy! Read! Review! We Are gods! The Novel on Amazon - Kindle.

Ever Tangled With Lightning

Got a crowdfunding project/campaign, need a boost, Fund Your Dreams. 

Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Path to Getting Published

I almost called this, (The Secret to Getting Published) but getting published is No Secret At All. Actually it is a series of steps anyone with a dream, and a will to make it happen could take.

When you think about a series of steps you may think that I am talking about steps as in 1 2 3, and that will be what my imagination will lead you to.

Let's engage your imagination though.

Picture your self standing in front of 3 paths. All three paths will lead you to the same place. The only difference is the journey. This journey includes these questions. How long it will take? How many obstacles there are to overcome? How many other travelers are taking the same path?

I know you are saying get to the point, but when have you ever known a writer to get to the point?

The first path is rocky and the ground appears to be hard there are a lot of obstacles. The travelers are a few, but they are not looking back, there is no indication at all that you will get any help from them. On this path you cannot see around the turns and there is a gatekeeper.

The second path looks smoother with less rocks there is some shade along the way. There is no gatekeeper, and there are many individuals with there hands out ready to help you, however it will cost you to make this journey. You will have to pay a toll, the amount of the toll is not clear. Even though this is the case there are many on this path.

The third path seems to be blocked, but when you look around the obstacle blocking the way, you can see an end in sight. Like the first path you can see a few travelers but they are waving at you to come on.

Are you still with me, I promise it is worth the ride. If indeed you want, if you truly desire to get published.

Before I explain the different paths described above. I will also add that I intend to give you all the information you need to get published and the different cost associated with this process.

To continue reading The Path to Getting Published click here.

Find more great content by clicking the buttons below.

For your amusement and a good laugh.

Ever Tangled With Lightning will capture your imagination and lead you back to a time when you were guided by your imagination. Read it Today.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Proof is in the Pudding

Proof is in the Pudding

You have heard the saying "the proof is in the pudding".

Well actually the saying really is... The proof of the pudding is in the eating. In other words you have to taste it, to see if it is good.

 So how do we prove to you that IinCmm is serious, that this site is real about helping you earn money and start you on the road to financial freedom.

There are 3 ways (we will call them pudding recipe's) for us to show you without you risking your money or your identification, or being bombarded by worthless emails from this site, or just plain old being scammed.

These 3 ways (we will call them pudding recipe's) also protect this site from being a victim as well.

Caution: This will take a little work on your part. Ready to get started?

Let's make some pudding.

  Pudding recipe number 1.
  1. Open a account.
  2. Create a gig, you can use this gig as an example, just follow the steps. If you do not have anything to offer, you can offer my Illustrated Step by Step guide to Crowdfunding Success. (Just say get a step by step guide to crowdfunding success.) also add ( I will post your crowdfunding project on my Facebook page.) also add ( I will post your crowdfunding project on my Twitter site.) also add ( I will post your crowdfunding campaign on my instagram site.) That is all you have to do. 
  3. Post the link to your gig in the comments section of this site.
  4. We will be your first buyer.
Note: If you need help with any of the steps above, just leave a comment and we will answer your comment. Otherwise send us an email.

  Pudding recipe number 2
  1. Open a account.
  2. Create a project, use this project (We Are gods The Novel) as an example. If you do not have a project idea, just browse the projects on and you will get some ideas. For your first project ask for $100.
  3. Post the link to your project in the comments section of this site.
  4. We will be your first backer.
Note: If you need help or have any questions please leave a comment and we will answer your comment. Otherwise just send us an email.

  Pudding recipe number 3
  1. Start a blogger account.
  2. Create a post, write about something you are really knowledgable about, or that you have studied. You can use this blog (How to make money on the Web) as an example.
  3. Get a Paypal account, and create a donation button. Add the donation button to your blogger site. Again you can find an example of this on this blog (How to make money on the Web).
  4. We will be your first donor.
Note: If you are really having trouble figuring out how to do any of the above steps, do not hesitate to leave a comment and we will answer your comment. Otherwise just send us an email.

The above pudding recipe's are just a start to helping you earn money.

However, We cannot do it for you, we can only provide the help you need, to get you started. After you have made your own pudding and tasted it, and you can see that it is good, than you will be willing to help us make some pudding.

In return we will make pudding together.

What do you think, too much pudding?

Now available in eBook and Paperback We Are gods!
Available On

Espionage intrigue mystery. The digital age has changed the relative positions of Government, Big Business and us.
For years we have been told where to buy our food, what to wear, where to work, how to save for our future, what health programs are good for us, even how to live.
Now that is about to change.
How can the theft of a laptop cause a system of corruption, greed, and power to be changed for ever. It starts here.
Read We Are gods! eBook or Paperback.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Published Author to Published Songwriter

Published Author to Published Songwriter

When I tell people, that I have published 2 books and a song. The responses I get range from.

No way, get out of here. 
How did you do it, how many books have you sold? 
Why are you still working here?
What is the name of your book?

And many more, however I think the most captivating response I get from people.

“I always wanted to do that.”

Of course me, being the person that I am, I forget all about my books and songs. I know, I am easily side tracked, but I cannot resist, asking them about their ideas. I start asking them. Are you working on a book? Have you started writing down ideas about your book? What kind of book is it? The usual answers are, I do not have time for that, or I do not have the right contacts. I do not want to be disappointed. My favorite is, don’t you need a publisher or need to have lots of money.

Then they turn back to me. You can imagine the barrage of questions and comments I get then.

Who is your publisher? How much are you making? Can I get a copy of your book? I never knew you wanted to write a book.

Eventually I tell my new fan, that I am a self publisher, and an indie artist. With the signature statement, If a major publishing agent ever wants to step in, and become my publisher, I am ready.

Now, I told you all of this to make a point, you do not have to wait for a major publishing agency to get started writing and publishing your works of ART.

I know you are saying, yeah right self publishing is expensive, and you will say next, I heard most self publishers do not even make much money.

I too have said those statements, and those statements are detrimental to your creative abilities, and they are holding you back.

It is true self publishing can become expensive and it is very possible that you will not make any money off of your creative talents. However, should that stop you from trying?

I have discovered that there are two types of self publishers.

  1. Do it yourself Self Publisher
  2. Done for you Self Publisher

Both cost money, but number 2 cost more money, as you can expect.

So let us talk about the cost.

Self Publisher: All about the Money!

Do it yourself:

You could publish your Creative works of Art for less than $200.00 to $300.00, this price varies because you will have to decide whether to release a digital version of your book and a paperback version.

This will include an ISBN or two and your book published with several major distributors either in digital format or paperback.

Note: You will have to purchase your ISBN. (Some distributors do not require an ISBN for eBooks but you should get one, this will make your creative work easier to find.) You will have to learn to create a suitable eBook for the distributors. You will have to do the interior design, which means the layout of the written word. You will have to do all of your own copy editing. You will have to design your cover. You will have to do all of your own marketing.

If you noticed there is a lot of you in the above paragraph, however you can hire freelancers to do the work for you, however this will increase your out of pocket cash.

Done for you:

Pick a package: starting at $600 and ballooning to well over $8000 dollars, the higher end packages will get you the following.



Interior Design

Cover Design

Professional Reviews

Your Book published, ( either in digital format or paperback ) and on the shelves of major distributors

Some packages may offer Marketing

Note: Do Not expect all of these services for $600 not even for $1000. I would give a break down of the prices for the individual services but that would be misleading because there are many self publishing companies with varying prices for these individual services.

The majority of the self publishing companies offer multiple packages for you to choose from, or you can purchase the individual services. If you choose to make use of the A La Carte method, be ready to pick up the extra slack. By purchasing the individual services separately, you could possibly save some money. 

Now that we have talked about the money, the money should not be the reason you choose to publish or not to publish your creative, heart pounding, life long dream. So what should be the overall reason? Why should you take the plunge and become published?

Do What You Love

Do what you love, love what you do.

Inside each and every one of us is this little creative genius struggling to get out and change your life and the lives of those individuals who are just waiting to discover your creative works of Art. 

For your amusement I will tell you what I would have liked to have added at the end of that last sentence. Your diamond in the rough, your pearl in the oyster, your gold nugget, the yoke in the middle of the egg, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the genie in the bottle, the golden owl, the holy grail, or any other terms that describe the hidden treasures churning inside of you.

However you choose to describe your hidden talent, we all deserve to engage it to the greatest degree we so desire, and if it leads to a king’s ransom then you will experience the full promulgation of the subtitle, Do What You Love, Love What You Do.

The majority of people will spend a life time working to make someone else’s dream come true. If that is what brings you satisfaction, I will not harp on that, but I hope you have not given up on your own dreams.

Thanks to the digital age and the multimedia capabilities of the internet, more people have the opportunity to turn the statement “I always wanted to do that” into a reality.

Becoming a published author, songwriter, artist, film documentarist, photographer, producer is no longer reserved for individuals who have the backing of a big publishing company who is only willing to work with those who are already well known.

Again just like in the early to late nineties the internet is proving to be the great equalizer.

With so many tools at your fingertips there is no excuse for you not to express your creative side, for a fact you could start a blog today and publish your creative work of Art for free.

Still not convinced or maybe you have some questions, post your questions here on this blog and I will answer it to the best of my knowledge or point you in the right direction. 

Or you can send your question to as always the advice is free.

Coming Soon Ever Tangled With Lightning!

Making Money on the Internet Should Be Easy

Just as easy as pressing a button.

The majority of the people who are looking to make money on the internet, want to do so with minimal effort. Is this really possible? Should you believe all the hype? Should you spend your last few dollars to do so?

Can you make money right now just by pushing a button?

Word of mouth most of the time it is free, have you ever got paid, just because you recommended a product that you found useful or a product you thought was awesome. Most would have to admit that the answer is no. And yet...

That is exactly what is offering.

By combining the power of word of mouth with today's electronic media we produce an unstoppable force to propel our dreams further than we ever imagined. And now...

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This is an advertisement, to promote the book, We Are gods! The Novel. More details at In the mean time Dream A Big Dream.

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