Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Introducing The Dream Button

Coming Soon! The Dream Button

Coming Soon! The Dream Button... Under Construction... If you play the game and follow the clues eventually you will have the code. This is a test run, so have fun. If you figure it out, why not email me @ iincmm@iincmm.com.

The first 100 people to email me the code, will be entered into a drawing. Since this is a test run there are no official rules yet. We promise to make it worth your time. In fact you tell me what the prize should be.
This is an advertisement, to promote the soon to be released book We Are gods! The Novel. More details to come. In the mean time Dream A Big Dream.

Coming Soon! We Are gods! The Novel

In the hands of the people that make books happen.

Got a crowdfunding project/campaign, need a boost, Fund Your Dreams. 

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