Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Crowdfunding Success Why the First 3 days are Critical

Crowdfunding Success We Are gods! The Novel
Why the First 3 days are Critical

The first 3 days of any crowd funding project should be your main focus. This means that every person on your list need to be all in. That’s right I said list, we will discuss this when we talk about preparation.

Any news organizations that you have enlisted to help you need to post any articles either the day before your launch or on the first day of your launch.

You need to get all the internet blogs who have any relationship to your project to post an article about your project.

Talk it up before the release date, do not be shy, tell everyone be passionate as if you have just seen a really good movie.

You need to plan on hitting 50% of your goal in the first 3 days. Thus we create a buzz about your project and provide the catalyst to push your project over the top. Otherwise your project is DOA

This is why the first 3 days are the most critical.

In my crowd funding advocate step by step guide, this is not a step this is considered a golden egg. There are four of them. Would you like to know the other 3.

The following is the beginning of what I hope to be a very successful project. I need your help. If you help me you can receive a copy of The Crowd Funding Advocate step by step guide for free. This offer is good for the duration of We Are gods! The novel campaign.

Houston We Have Lift Off!

Can I count on your support?

Cover Controversy! We will Need To Decide This Once and For All!

I will be setting up a selection process, where you will help me decide which will be the main cover. While we wait let's make this novel popular, I want to see the movie.

Ok, I will try not to commit blogger suicide.

I had a few more banners that I was going to post, but I will save them for the next post.
Just remember the first 3 days are the most crucial for a project.

Must See Facebook.com Link

Will you help?

Will you Join Me and help me publish this book?

We Are gods! the novel kickstarter.com link.

Click link above to see the preview of my Kickstarter.com campaign.

Thank You in advance for your support.

If you would like to help support this project please purchase my first book.

Ever Caught a Rabbit in a Cornfield

Need Help with your kickstarter.com campaign.
See what I can do for you at fiverr.com/ntelagnc.

When people ask me what do I do? I want to say I help people make money, even better, I show them how to become, independently wealthy.

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