How Do I Make Money Online?
You have been stalking websites for months. Looking for the goose that laid the golden egg. The holy grail of internet success online, that one site that shows you exactly how to make money online, to start an online business, to sell your product online.
Now, you sit in front of your digital device trying to make sense of all that data you collected.
Should I pay for that internet course? Should I join that site, that promise me $500 my first week online? Should I pay for that shopping cart software? Who is telling me the truth? What do I write about, or what should the title of my blog be? Do I need a website? Should I start a podcast? Do I need a Youtube channel? Is this a waste of my time?
These are some of the questions that are just floating around your mind.
So, after all of that research. Perhaps, You did buy the latest eBook on this subject. Just maybe, you signed up for that course. Wasted your money and there was no pot of gold at the end of that rainbow.
The question still pounds in your heart.
How do I make money online?
I too continue to ask that question, and all of the other entrepreneurs and website owners, both the successful and the ones who are just getting by, still ask this question.
The simply truth is, once you know the basics, its just a matter of rinse, lather, and repeat. There may be claims of a better shampoo, but they all do the same thing. However we cannot help, but to continue to seek a better way, a faster way, an easier way.
Or we just want to duplicate our efforts, create more McDonalds on every corner around the world.
Just like an Olympic athlete. He or she already knows how to run, ski, jump, flip, and roll. The Olympic athlete already knows that practice and more practice is the only way to become successful. They already know that they must eat and drink right and get plenty of rest.
What if though, they do all of the work, but do not show up for the event.
The answer, no gold, not even bronze or silver.
In comparison, you have all of the knowledge and skills. Now you just have to show up.
Product - gadget, eBook, course, podcast, video, specialty.
Location - website, blog, Facebook, twitter, youtube.
Communicate - email, post, tweet, chat, picture, video.
Audience - babies, adolescent, in betweens, adults, who or what.
Resources - other websites, other blogs, other books, shopping cart, affiliate marketing, other, other.
Advertise - google, facebook, twitter, Instagram, Clickbank, etc.
Rinse, lather, and repeat.
In effect You Already Know.
Now it is time for you just to do it. You are going to make mistakes, but great things can come from mistakes. For example, the light bulb, penicillin, Dr. Pepper, Cornflakes, children and the list goes on and on.
The one thing these inventors and mixologist did after making a mistake, was, they kept asking how and then they made it work.
Why am I here? You already know the answer. To make money, that's right no mystery, no scam, or tricks up my sleeve.
My new book: just released on Amazon, and I would like for you to buy it, review it, sell it, and make money off of it.
Peace and Security At Last
At least the novel is ready for your enjoyment.
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Peace and Security A Novel by Arthur S. Newman now seeking readers, fans, reviewers, and critics.
Still Not Ready to start your online business in order to make money online, until then consider helping me.
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Perhaps the easiest way to make money online
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Would you like to know how to setup your own store online without having to pay a monthly fee or setting up a blog or website.
If you are looking for an easier, less hands on way of making an income online.
Watch the video An Online Income Is Possible to see how to get started.
This online system is in beta. If it yeilds the appropriate results I will help others get started making money by touching a button.
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Can Making Money on the internet be as easy as pressing or touching a button.
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