Monday, November 4, 2013

Real Money Making Opportunities On The Internet

The Keyword here is Real!

I can list all the ways the internet or top search engines say to make money on the Web.

  • Blogging
  • List Building
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Build and Maintain a Website
  • Start a Youtube Channel
  • Write a Ebook
  • Solve a Problem and Sell the solution
  • Take Surveys
  • Niche Marketing
These are just a few, and there are many more, although people have made lots of money with these activities, it is not easy. When it comes down to it, in most cases it can be almost impossible to weed through what is Real and what is a Scam.

Even though this is a basic truth of internet marketing.

I still hold on to a dream of:
Rolling out of bed, with not a money worry on my mind, and not latched on to the day to day mundane pursuit of a Just Over Broke, dead end pursuit of happiness, listening to a boss who is just as scared as you are of losing his JOB. While the company you work for is more concerned about numbers, than they are about the customer or the employee.
I still hold on to the hope:
Of working in my PJ's for 2 to 4 hours, which would consist of calling up those who had followed me down this long arduous road to financial freedom, financial independence, or what ever you want to call it, maybe making a business trip once a month, to celebrate with others who where just as successful as I am at putting off the bonds of a PAYCHECK.

Now that I have got that off my chest, I want to make you an offer, just as clear as possible, no dangling carrot, no 32 minute video that leads to another list building scheme, that leads to costing you money, when initially you were told no money out of pocket.

I have already done the work, created the blog, created the website, created the youtube channel, and produced a real product.  Must Watch Video, just over a minute.

I want to enlist your help to sell it, and I will share the profits.  Must Watch Video, just under a minute.

Most affiliate marketing, google ads, product placements pay you pennies, hey I am not knocking it, because pennies = nickels = dimes = quarters = dollars.

Money Online Experiment: I want you to google how to make $500 dollars in a day, or how to make $1000 dollars in a day. As you can see I have already done it for you, if you still want to type the keystrokes, try it. I bet you will find someone telling you it is possible, and how easy it would be, and they will show you the way.
Now if you like to play games, this one is a good one it is call Bull Hockey! Google that for kicks.

One more Online Experiment: Google wanted 1000 downloads $500 reward you probably will not get my desired result, but you can help me change that.

So what is the deal, if you do not know after reading this. I will give it to you straight, right here, right now. Help Me Sell My Latest App, Kings Assassin. It is on the App Store, and if it does well, it will be on the android market, and you can help me make it happen.

 Kings Assassin
                                                            Kings Assassin
 App Store

If You Would Like To Know How To Make Money Selling My Apps.

Contact Me, contact info is below.

My contact information can be found at my websites: 

Just email me at

Get Started Today. What are you passionate about?
Write your business idea down.
Write your business plan.
Create a Blog
Monetize your blog
Register your domain name
Create your website
Monetize your website
Tell people what you are doing
Get a PayPal account
Get a Ebay account
Seek extra cash if needed
Start an online trading account
Sign up for a free newsletter or several free newsletters
Start a MLM organization or register with a MLM/Network Market organization

When people ask me what do I do? I want to say I help people make money, even better, I show them how to become, independently wealthy.

Read Also, "Become Your Own Banker How?"

Read Also, Chronicles of building an iPhone App