Mobile devices as a primary business tool or leisure distraction from work; are growing at a rapid rate, each year more and more people are choosing to use a mobile phone, tablet pc, and other such devices, as their goto or do it all machine. You may hand someone your business card, you may send a potential client a post card, you may even still use snail mail to communicate with your customers, however you can be certain of this fact, those forms of communication do not leave the house, and I am sure they have a special place where they get filed.
The one thing you can be sure of, when people leave their house, their mobile device, is sure to be in their purse, attached to their hip, tucked in a pocket, or it has a nice satchel or carrying case. You get the picture, but what you probably do not have is your own digital footprint, a website is nice, and we highly suggest that you have one, but what I am offering you here, is your own App, that will find it’s place on all those mobile devices, and unlike business cards, post cards, snail mail, your App will always be at your friend or customers fingertips.
Let us get started on your personal App today. Send your design and specifics to, and we will send you a price quote.
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App Promotion
Buy and Play this App, then Send a screenshot to, for a chance to win $25 american express gift card. This is a weekly drawing, to enter drawing registration is not required, however if you win you must register and leave a comment that you won, before we send you your prize.
See Official Rules at

Buy and Play this App, then Send a screenshot to, for a chance to win $25 american express gift card. This is a weekly drawing, to enter drawing registration is not required, however if you win you must register and leave a comment that you won, before we send you your prize.
See Official Rules at
Download this App, and Send a screenshot to, and receive our deepest and sincerest gratitude. It is an awesome App and it is free, what more could you want.
See Official Rules at
Kings Assassin Challenge
Kings Assassin Challenge is a match game that will keep you challenged for hours on end.
You have 4 challenging levels to play, but you should try to Warm Up first. After you Warm Up, try the 60 second challenge a race against the clock, you can match left to right, right to left up and down, L shaped C shaped. If you do well try the other challenging levels.
My favorite level is Zen Master, if you get a score of 200 send the developer an email, at
Just email me at
Write your business idea down.
Write your business plan.
Create a Blog
Monetize your blog
Register your domain name
Create your website
Monetize your website
Tell people what you are doing
Get a PayPal account
Get a Ebay account
Seek extra cash if needed
Start an online trading account
Sign up for a free newsletter or several free newsletters
Start a MLM organization or register with a MLM/Network Market organization
Contact Me
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