Sunday, September 30, 2012

Building Your Website

Building Your Website

Have you picked a host provider? If so you are now ready to choose how you will build your website. You already have a URL, you should have received a username and password for your host account. Let us talk about some tools you can use to design a website. We will only cover a few tools, you should know there are way too many to try to cover at this time.

The first tool is Wordpress. Wordpress is a free open source blogging tool, however it does so much more than just build a blogging website. This tool will allow you to build a fully functional website, and you cannot beat free. Most hosting sites allow you to access wordpress through their website. For instance, if you chose or they provide a link to the Wordpress software. Wordpress also provides all the support you will need at their website If you have not chose a host provider, you can even create you website directly from their site, just click create your site and fill out the form. On the other hand if you already have a host provider, look for the link on your host providers site. Here is a link to, wordpress getting started guide, if you would like to know more about this tool and website.

If you own a Mac, than you probably have access to iweb, iweb normally comes preloaded on Mac computers, if it did not, than you should buy this program. Iweb is a WYSIWYG website creation tool and it is easy to use. Click here to learn more about this amazing web tool. HTML is the universal language used for diplaying web pages and other information that is displayed in a web browser. However with the tools today, you would need very little training in HTML. There is software for PC users, but I have not used any of todays programs. Sorry, maybe I will do some research, and explore this further.

Your host provider should provide a full suite of webtools and you will find full support from each host. What about price, you will find that there will be two distinct prices one for domain registration normally paid by the year. The other price, will be for the hosting account, yes two different prices. You will also have to renew both the domain registration and hosting account every year, or two years. The cost will vary from host to host, and I would suggest that when you first sign up, pay for two years, the discounts are great.

In my next post I will go into a little detail about each option above, but you will find that once you get started, there will be a plethora of information from the host provider. What my purpose here is to get you started. I would like to impress upon you the importance of building a strong brand. You never know if your site will become the next big thing, and if it does, I want in on it. Up and coming sites get bought by bigger fish all the time, yours could be next site. So when building your site, build to fulfil a need, “If you build it they will come,” you have already found a niche, now you will need to transfer that niche from your blog to your website. 

Here is some shameless promotion, come on you know why. Goto my website and select the Go Daddy banner. Pretty Please with whipped cream and cherries on top. Do you blame a guy for trying? 

Also go to and enter the free drawing.

Friday, September 28, 2012

What about a Website?

What about a Website?
Eventually, you may desire the flexibility of a website, which will allow you to create your own design and format. There are sites that will give you a free site, but most of these sites do not give you a domain and you do not have a host accout. This type of site will give you a presence on the net, however you really do not have the control that you would have if you had your own website, domain name, and host account.
The obvious question is will it be a complement to your blog? Will it become your main vehicle to promote your blogs, and product? Where do you start? How do you get there from here? If you are going to use the same name as your blog account, you will need to see if the domain name is available. You can do this by going to Godaddy, Blue Host, or any other hosting site, and do a search. If it is available, you will want to choose where you want to register your site. The prices are very compatible, ranging from three dollars and up. Next, will it be a dot com, dot net, dot us,  dot org, dot biz, really just pick dot com, unless it is taken, otherwise go with dot net. If your site becomes profitable, you will want to register them all.
What about web design? Here is a non technical idea, take out a piece of paper and pencil and draw what you want your site to look like. I know, that is so archaic, you might as well pull out some papyrus and an ink jar. I am serious, you should design your website on a plain sheet of paper exactly how you want it to look. Decide how many tabs, how many levels, what space will be provided for advertisements and the like. You will get a boat load of advice on the do’s and don’ts, I just say try not to clutter the home page.
I hear the wheels turning, your thinking I do not even know how to write code, you are probably saying to yourself. What do I know about HTML? Here is the good news about that, most host sites, provide programs called WYSIWYG ( what you see is what you get). I plan to lead you through a step by step process and show you how to get started. If you already know how to get a domain name, and build and design a website, than you will be ahead of the game. If you plan to hire someone to do this for you, I will tell you that is a waste of money. Save your money, there is way too much free support on the web.
Your first step is to pick a host provider, and then register your domain name. My first website that I ever created. I hosted on my own home network. The problem with that was if my computer went down, or my network was down, no one could acces my website. It was a free option, besides back then it cost a fortune to host it professionally. Today it is so inexpensive, and there are so many host providers, you can practically pick your own price. 
Here is some shameless promotion, come on you know why. Goto my website and select the Go Daddy banner. Pretty Please with whipped cream and cherries on top. Do you blame a guy for trying.
Until next time arrivederci.
Here is what I am doing. Every month I will be holding a drawing for $100.00. Starting with September I will sweeten the kiddy with $200.00. Goto for how I will conduct this drawing.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Duplication Is The Key

Duplication Is The Key
Here is a challenge, tell me one financially, successful business or business owner, who has amassed their fortune, just by the efforts of their own means. It is true, they may have started their business on their own, but I can gaurantee you, they did not sustain and grow that business all by themselves. The key to any business, is duplication, either by teaching other people to do what you do, or by duplicating your business system. In the case of the internert, you will be duplicating a business system.
You have started a blog, you have put all the pieces of the puzzle together, you have started making sales, you are getting traffic, maybe your adsense account has started accumulating some cash. If you are in it just to make extra income, you may be satisfied with the income, that one blog could generate. However, if you are looking to replace an income, or work from home fulltime, leave the office behind, get rid of the boss, unshackle yourself from the old ball and chain, then you cannot stop at just the one blog. After you have started your blog, you should start thinking about turning the information into an ebook, or maybe even, publishing the information as a book, this is the first duplication process. The second, you need to start on a new blog, I know it was a great deal of work starting the first blog. You are probably thinking, how am I supposed to do all of that again, man I can barely keep up with one. The great part, you have already done the hard work, the foundation has been laid, and now you just add or build on to what you have already done.
What do you promote or write about now? Pick something that is a hot topic, remember, you first picked something that you were passionate about, now you will pick something that other people are passionate about. You are now completely qualified, you can even hire yourself out to create blogs for other people. If you do not think you are ready, than keep practicing, you can start with your next blog. Just make sure you do your research, cross your t’s dot your i’s. When your are ready click the new blog button. Duplicate, Duplicate, Duplicate.
The idea of making money on the web is a unique opportunity, but not all people are willing to take the steps or time to make it happen. As you can see it takes work, you have to be consistent, dedicated, passoinate, self motivated, and have a desire to succeed.
Writing a blog to sell your product and make money on the web is the beginning. If you recall in my previous posts, What will you sell or promote?, More About What To Promote, More About What To Promote II.
We will cover a few more ideas, however developing them will not take as much time, because we have already laid the foundation. Yes, there is more to come, we have so much to conversate about, like, how to get a domain name, select a host provider, build a website, and more. Wait until you see what I have in store for you.
Here is what I am doing. Every month I will be holding a drawing for $100.00. Starting with September I will sweeten the kiddy with $200.00. Goto for how I will conduct this drawing.

Monday, September 24, 2012

More Traffic To Your Blog Part 3

More Traffic To Your Blog Part 3
If you are not fortunate enough to get a radio gig, or get a request to be on a TV show, there are still, other ways to get traffic to your site. These other ways though, could take time to build traffic, and will take a little more work on your part. If you do choose this route it could be very rewarding and profitable, it is what I like to call multiple streams of income.
What do you think about Youtube? I know you get images of talking dogs, levitating cats, little children drugged by dentist, parodies of your favorite song, and so much more. Each of these videos have garnished hundreds even millions of veiws. Not just views, these videos also, are creating advertisment dollars. The question is not, can Youtube bring you traffic? Really the question is, how can you harness this unique opportunity for yourself? Before the age of the internet, in order for you to get the audience of millions, you either had to be rich or famous. Now you can possible address billions, with ‘one-thirty-second’ video.
Am I suggesting that you yourself make a video, possibly. Do you have a levitating cat? If you do, what are you waiting for? Maybe you do not have what it takes to become an over night Youtube star, there are still ways to capitalize on the success of these viral videos. If you have not created a Youtube video channel, then now is the time. The best thing about setting up a Youtube channel is that it only takes a couple of steps. If you have already setup a blogger account with Google, then you want to use the same blogger name to setup your Youtube channel. You will see, that your Youtube channel, can be linked to your blogger account, your email account, and all the other Google tools. 
After creating your Youtube channel, create an announcment video describing what you do. If you do not want to be in the video, than create a compelling slide show, or pick a video that already exist on Youtube, a video that is related to what you do. You can then add it to your favorites. You can share it with others. You can post it on your blog. As long as you do not violate any copyright laws, the person that created the video will be thrilled to get more views. Some videos, you will probably need to get the permission from the creator. Especially, this will be true, if you decide to profit from this video, by placing advertisements on the video. If you do use someone else’s video, subscribe to their channel, and comment. By now you should see how the internet is completely intertwined, by linking all of these tools, and by being consistent you too can strike gold. This information will get you started using Youtube not only to create traffic to your blog, but also as an extensive marketing tool to reach millions. Go ahead break a leg, you could be a superstar.
Another way to get traffic to your blog, is by using an ebay account and craigslist to promote your product. I mention this in another post, I will not be going into detail, but I think you get the  picture. Remember to use your unique address, when setting up these accounts and remember what affect keywords have when people are searching the net, looking for a needle in a haystack. Make your needle really standout.
Here is what I am doing. Every month I will be holding a drawing for $100.00. Starting with September I will sweeten the kiddy with $200.00. Goto for how I will conduct this drawing.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

How to get Traffic to your Blog Part 2

How to get Traffic to your Blog Part 2
So you have found other blogs, that either interest you or they are similiar to your blog. Now what, I hope you are reading tons of blogs, but the most important step after reading other blogs, is to comment. What should you say? I like your blog, dude kool blog, great post keep up the good work, please read my blog. I hope you do not think that those are thoughtful, awe inspiring comments, because you will not gain any friends, with those weak comments. If you comment like that, who will visit your blog? You need to stir the stew, add some salt and pepper, spice it up, maybe drop some cheddar cheese in there. Ahh yeah man now you’re cooking with Crisco. Remember you want to stay on topic, add something that shows you read their post, tell them what you like or did not like, maybe even try to get a conversation going. 
Have you ever been in a room with a few people? After the initial, hi, how are you, my name is, the conversation goes silent, and everybody is just stirring at each other. What would you say to start a lively conversation? You do not want to over power the conversation, you just want to get the juices flowing, but be respectful, remember proper etiquette will win you many friends. You have broken the water, you have got a little conversation going. The big question is, how do you let other people know about your blog? 
You do not want to drop your link in every comment you make, try to tie it in with something relevant to the blog you are reading. This should add value to the conversation and it will not make you look like a spammer, you could be creating a valuable business relationship, which brings up another point, add other links to other blogs you have read. OK, enough about commenting, every blogger that writes about commenting in blogs, has a list of do’s and don’ts, check them out, and COMMENT.
I need more traffic, I want to create a traffic jam, I want people to stop and gawk, I want some serious rubber necking. Then you need to smash something, you don’t just want to be a part of the accident, you want to be the one who caused the accident. So how do you get that kind of traffic? Well, I am going to tell you, but you will have to figure out how to pull if off. You might criticize me, or say that this idea is over the top, but I need to mention it, because it will bring mega traffic to your site. I want you to think of some famous or infamous people you know that are considered internet marketers. Think how do you know them? What did they do to become so well known?
The way the big names in this business, draw traffic to their site. They are on the radio, some get breif mentions and others are doing two to three minute spots. The really big names even get to be on TV, making their rounds on the talk show circus. I am not saying to go and get yourself a talk show, you can start by advertising in your local market. Another way is when your favorite radio station does the on location airing, you need to be there, donate something to their give aways. Radio Stations are always giving away prizes, however, I would say go big or stay home. If you do something that is news worthy, you will possible get a write up in the local or national newspaper, and that adds up to free advertisement. I am just saying, don’t just dream, Dream Bigger.
Here is what I am doing. Every month I will be holding a drawing for $100.00. Starting with September I will sweeten the kiddy with $200.00. Goto for how I will conduct this drawing.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

How to get Traffic to your Blog Part 1

How to get Traffic to your Blog Part 1
You will probably tell all your friends and family about your latest endeavor, they may even visit your blog several times, and if you are fortunate, they will give you their opinion. Their response may hurt, it may be really painful, they may even be brutally honest, however you should welcome their advice the good, the bad, the ugly. You can think of this as your own little focus group, and it will allow you to make the needed adjustments to become successful. The more people you tell, the more people they will tell. I hope you are doing your own research, and as you do, you will hear terms like SEO (search engine optimization), links, trackbacks, tags, etc. These are all good no excellent tools to get traffic to your blog, and you should learn about each of these powerful tools. With that said, do not under estimate word of mouth, it is still a really effective tool, like the old agree shampoo commercial you will tell someone, and they will tell someone and they will tell someone and they will tell someone. Remeber good news travels fast, bad news travels faster. Here is where, I will stress that your blog will only be as good as the content you produce, and the traffic will increase based on that content. 
The first tool then is word of mouth. 
The second is search engine optimization. 
The third is giving and getting comments. 
Remember the use of keywords is the key, but do not over use them.
Let’s talk about search engine optimization, eventually your blog will start showing up on search engines like google, yahoo, bing, ask, pinterest, wolfram alpha, wikipedia well maybe at least the first four listed. You can speed up the process by submitting your blog’s URL to these sites, you know, the uniform resource locator. If you are new to the internet or just never gave it much attention it is the You can submit your URL by submitting it directly to the sites or use a third party website to do it for you. If you have a problem trying to find the steps to do this, what you can do is go to each search engine and search (submit my url to name of search engine). Otherwise here are some links below.
There are many links that I can list here, but I will not, I say let them write their own blog, unless they would like to pay me. Another way to get traffic, is to visit other peoples blogs, read it, and then give an insightful comment, then link your URL with the comment. I will stress, that you leave a really good comment, because comments are another way for their blog and your blog to get increased traffic. We will talk more about this the next time. Remember to use keywords even when commenting.
Here is what I am doing. Every month I will be holding a drawing for $100.00. Starting with September I will sweeten the kiddy with $200.00. Goto for how I will conduct this drawing.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Adding Content To Your Blog

Adding Content To Your Blog
The Layout of your blog is important but not as important as the content you write. When you log into your blog, select the arrow down button, next to the view blog button. Select layout, and then select Add a Gadget, each option will let you add different types of content. The great thing about the gadgets, they have short explanations and the possibilities are limitless. I will not explain each gadget but I think you should experiment with all of them. The only gadget you may have trouble with, is the HTML/JavaScript gadget. You can retrieve the code from the websites you are going to add to your site Amazon, Paypal and others. Most websites will generatate the code and then you will just copy and paste it into the content box, do not forget to add a title, and click the save button. The picture gadget will allow you to add pictures of items you want to sell. Use the Text gadget to add text about the item you want to sell. I think you get the picture, so let’s talk about adding a shopping cart.
You have used shopping carts many times to give your money to someone else, now it is your turn. Google has options to add a shopping cart, but first you should sign up for Google Checkout which is now Google Wallet. Then you will need a Google Merchant Account and then you will link both accounts and integrate them with your blog. The Google Merchant Account will allow you to upload your product data. After you add your product data, it will become available to Google Product Search, which in turn will help drive traffic to your site. You can find  all the details when you go to these different entities. There is another option as well, it is a little easier but you may not get the exposure you might get with google.
Remeber, I mentioned a few post back about getting a Paypal account. If you have not gotten one by now, time to go to Paypal. They will allow you to customized and create payment buttons for your site. Once you login, select Merchant Services tab and explore your merchant options. When you are ready, you can get started by selecting the create payment button for your website. Here you will be able to create item numbers for your product, buying options and more. This also is where you will get the HTML code to paste to the layout/add gadget section of your blog. If you need more information about these two options, Google and Paypal both have much more support to offer on how to setup your shopping cart. Below, I have provided the to link to Paypal and Amazon to encourage you to get started today.
You are on your way to making money on the web, and so far we have only disgust one method to make money on the web. I can show you many ways to promote your product online, however if you never get started you will miss out on what could be the greatest oppurtunity ever to be had by us ordinary entrepreneurs. Before we move on to the next method, first we will talk about ways to drive traffic to your blog.
Here is what I am doing. Every month I will be holding a drawing for $100.00. Starting with September I will sweeten the kiddy with $200.00. Goto for how I will conduct this drawing.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Monetizing Your Blog

Monetizing Your Blog
I know what you are thinking. You're thinking, hey I have done everything you have said, and I am still not making money. You’re asking yourself. When will I start makeing money? When will I start selling my merchandise? How can I sell my merchandise with a blog? You might even be saying to yourself. Self why does this not look like other sites that I have visited, where they are selling real items? Remember this is the easiest and least expensive way to start making money on the web. Later we will talk about domain names, creating websites, hosting your websites and web design. For now we will show you how to monetize your blog. 
Your first step is to sign up for adsense. What is adsense? Adsense is Google’s content targeted advertising program. What adsense does is selects keywords from the article’s you write, thats right from your blog. See I told you keywords are valuable. Don’t ask me how Google does it, but I know it works. That is exactly what is happening Google is working for you. Google’s servers can determine what your blog, your individual posts are about and pick the most relevent ads and display them for your readers amuesment. It gets better, when your readers click on those ads, you could get paid, depending on the arrangements made between Google and the advertiser. If your readers buy something from the page they visit you will get paid. I am not going to get in to percentages or dollar amounts, but I will tell you this, it is for real.
Before you go signing up for adsense, there are rules, and if you try to sign up with just a few post and no other content. You will not get approved, you can try if you want, but you will get an email stating the reasons why you were not approved. If you were to look at your blog right now you would notice to the side, all of that empty real estate, just waiting for you to build houses and hotels. So when someone lands on it you get paid. Yeah Baby! So lets start building. We need to add content, you need at least five post, an affiliate program, and other websites, maybe even your favorite youtube video. How is that writing coming along? Thats great keep up the good work. Do you know any friends, anyone or any businesses that are trying to promote their website? How about yours truly hey I’m talking about me ( Yes, you can add websites your own if you have one and other peoples websites. If you are going to add other peoples websites you may be able to charge them a fee, Cha Ching. Next, you will ad an affiliate program to that real estate. Did you sign up for Amazon’s affiliate program? If you did not, now would be a great time to do that, because when you add Amazon’s advertisements to your blog you know what happens, Cha Ching. Did I mention, that is also where you will be selling your widgets? So you definitely want to be sending people to Amazon. Okay, I know you have a favorite youtube video or maybe you know someone who is trying to get views. How about me, my channel is (ntelagnc) checkout my video (innocence and dreams by Arthur)? I know, I am shameless. If you do add a youtube video, try to make it relevent to what you are promoting, and remember if you add someone else’s video it is possible they will pay you, Cha Ching. 
This information is very valuble, it is priceless, oh ohh I feel a commercial coming on. You know the one, anyway if you are not sure how to add all of this content. In my next post, I will give you some tips on how to.
Here is what I am doing. Every month I will be holding a drawing for $100.00. Starting with September I will sweeten the kiddy with $200.00. Goto for how I will conduct this drawing.

Friday, September 14, 2012

How to Create a Blog

How to Create a Blog
OK, do you have your unique name, it is probably a real good one, you can tell me if you want, I will tell all my friends. Maybe we can create a synergy, oh yeah that will come later.
Next you will create a blog with the unique name that you have chosen, that name will permeate through out all the accounts that you set up. Whether it be your blogger site, your paypal account, amazon account, ebay account, craigslist account, and any other account and maybe even a website. Whoa, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Creating a blog is easier than you think, in actuality, it will take less than a day to create, but a daily commitment to see your creation come to life. Are you ready to create a blog? Do you have your first article? We will come back to the article, first go to the link below and create your blog. Go ahead I will wait, I’m waiting, so whats taking you so long. That was easy wasn't it, are you ready to get down to the nitty gritty. I hoped you used your unique name.
All kidding aside when you go to you will see that there is so much you can do. This google account will link everything, talk, chat, share, gmail, youtube and other amenities, all with one username and password and free did I mention free. When you open your account and you log in for the first time click the new blog button. At this point you will paste your article, I know you are saying what article. Here is a good tip, if you are using a Mac, use pages, if you are using a PC, use Microsoft Word to type your first article which will become your first post. In this way you will have the benefit of spell check or proofreader depending on which word processor you are using. After you type your article copy it and paste it to your blog. It would be good if you only do a page or two at a time. This way you will give your customers, clients, subscribers and fans time to digest what you are talking about. So what are you writing about? This is where all the research you did comes in handy, remember you are the expert. We will start putting the pieces of the puzzle together now that you have your blog.
Every day you will write a page or two about your passion which is your niche, your product that you will begin to promote. Why would people want to buy from you? Why would people want to visit your blog? Why would those people keep coming back to your blog? Why would they tell others about your blog? What do you have to offer them? If your product has a huge demand, that will be great, but by means of your blog you are building a relationship with your customers, clients, subscribers, and fans. Think about the relationship that Apple has with their faithful and loyal customers and look how it has paid off. Apple is the most valuable company in the world at the time of this writing.
All those language and writing classes in middle school are about to payoff. 
Here is what I am doing. Every month I will be holding a drawing for $100.00.  Starting with September I will sweeten the kiddy with $200.00. Goto for how I will conduct this drawing.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Creating Your Presence Online

Creating Your Presence Online
At this point you are ready to claim your place online. Stake your claim on that valuable real estate on the world wide web. You are ready to create a presence online that hopefully everybody will be talking about. You must choose your niche, the object of your affections and later the object of your obsession. Thomas Monaghan’s was pizza, Ralph Robert's was cable, Raymond Kroc’s was burgers, Bill Gate's was software, Steve Job's was innovation, I can go on and on, but I think you get the point. You do not have to have one niche however you must start with one so that your focus will be defined and you will build a firm foundation. Let’s start with a blog, this is the cheapest way to make your presence known on the net, guess how much. FREE, not a bad way to get started, free is good. 
If you have not yet picked a niche, I have provided a link to an awesome tool. This tool will allow you type in a word and it will produce several equations. The competition level or how many other companies or people are using that word or phrase (high, med, or low), global monthly searches (how often people searched globally), and local monthly searches (how often people searched locally). These equations will give you an idea of what kind of traffic you can expect. Then the tool will take it another step, this tool will modify your word for example if you type in money the modifications will be money market, money management, my money, money matters, money converter, etc. What will this do for you? I am glad you asked, it will give you an idea of what words you should use in your marketing and what you should blog about and target words to use to promote your niche. If you have already picked a niche, then this tool will help you to pick the right ideas, and words to string together to get noticed. Of course there are advanced options with this tool and that would be another subject all together. Below is the link.
If you need help, select help on the page and it will guide you.
You can specify a website, word or phrase, or category. You can modify your search as well. What you are trying to do is put together a profitable idea that people are already searching for on the net. If you have an idea, it will help you see how people are looking or searching for your idea, your unique niche. There are many tools like this one, if you google keywords you will see what I mean.
Once you have settled on your niche you will need a name for this idea. That name most likely will come from the results of your search. This should be the name for your blog. Next we will show you how to setup your blog.
Here is what I am doing. Every month I will be holding a drawing for $100.00.  Starting with September I will sweeten the kiddy with $200.00. Goto for how I will conduct this drawing.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Time to Make it Happen

Time to Make it Happen Let's Get Started
Before we start, I have a question for you. What is your business plan? If you research starting any business, the first thing you will notice or the first step is a business plan. I am not here, though, to talk about business plans. I just wanted you to know that you should treat this like a real business endeavor.
Now for the technical side of the business, we will start at square one. How will the money be handled? I prefer paypal, however if you want to get a merchant account contact visa or mastercard and they will be happy to charge you a tidy sum for handling all your transactions. So, lets go with paypal. Setting up an account is easy. So the first step is paypal. When setting up an account with paypal you will have three choices.
  1. Personal, if you are just going to shop online.                                                                              
  2. Premier, if you plan to buy and sell online.                                                                                  
  3. Business, if you plan on using a company name or group name.
Select premier. It is the best option for the business you will be starting, unless you plan on going big time. After setup you will be ready to both buy and sell with this account and you will be able to link a paypal button to your site or your blog. People have grown to trust paypal transactions and I can say that I have never had a bad transaction thru paypal.
Your next step is deciding what item or items to sell and becoming knowledgeable about the product you choose. This will require research and conversating with others who are selling the products you have chosen. Next, you want to find a whole seller or supplier which may require some negotiating on your part. You need to either write an article or have someone write an article about the products you choose to sell. Before Apple produced the iphone, all the pundits, magazines, and anybody in the electronic world predicted and wrote about a new era in the cellphone market. Today, the new product that is growing at a rapid rate is the tablet PC. What if you could get a piece of that pie? Try this, I want you to google wholesale tablet PC, and see what you come up with. I just recently talked to a seventy something person, who confessed that she knew nothing about computers. I disagreed with her, because she had found a market on amazon selling old books.
Here is where I encourage you to set up an account with Also research the term affiliate marketing. has one of the best programs available.  I will warn you that before you open an affiliate account with anyone, you should have a good idea of what you want to focus your resources (which includes time and money) on. Next you will need to open an account with; talk about discounts and wholesale deals.
So, let’s recap. 
  1. You need to open a paypal account. 
  2. You need to pick something to sell. 
  3. You need to research and write an article about that item or items.
  4. See if you can find a whole seller for your product. 
  5. Next, open an account and research affiliate marketing. 
  6. The last step for now is to sign up with craigslist.
In our next post, we will talk about opening a bloggers account and explore how to use that to sell your wares. 
Here is what I am doing. Every month I will be holding a drawing for $100.00.  Starting with September I will sweeten the kiddy with $200.00. Goto for how I will conduct this drawing.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

More About What To Promote II

More About What To Promote II
As you can see there are so many opportunities on the web to make money but wait there’s more.
  1. Penny Stocks: Yes, thats right, penny stocks, penny stocks range from sub penny to around five dollars. You will need a brokerage account, which you can get for around four to eight dollars. I encourage you to sign up for a free newsletter. On second thought, sign up for several newsletters, however I stress that at first only sign up for the free newsletters. There is no need in paying for this type of service, especially since these news letters are making money by promoting the stocks they recommend most of the time. If you become good at this you too can start promoting stocks. Next you will need seed money, two hundred to one thousand dollars, of course this is money that you can afford to lose. I will caution you, there will be winners and losers, so do not throw all your money at one stock. Do not get greedy, do not fall in love with your investement. Have an exit strategy. By this I mean, know when to get out or sell the stock. How much are you willing to lose? How much do you expect to make on each transaction? The long and short of this particular money making venture, it is very easy to get started and it could be very profitable.
  2. Matchmaker or Virtual Broker: No, I am not talking about the love connection. In any business there are buyers and sellers, your job is to find the buyer and the seller and get them together. Remember you are the person in the middle and the two shall never meet. Now, if you want to add transperancy to the process you can, but you then will be better off charging for your services. You will scour craiglist and other online want ads and offline ads for that matter, looking for people who’s ad says want to buy and for people who’s ad says want to sell. Call the seller, find out how much he wants, then call the buyer and offer him the merchandise, here is the kicker: you can mark up the price. This will also work vice versa contact the buyer, find out how much he is willing to pay. Contact the seller, and this time offer to buy the item at a reduce price of course lower than what the buyer is willing to pay. This will also work if you know people in your neighborhood who are selling houses, cars, furniture, rare items, etc.
  3. Write Reviews: Start a blog writing reviews on new technology, new clothing styles, new stores, new websites, old websites, anything noteworthy. If you are good and you are efficient at attracting subscribers then you will make money advertising for the items you are writing reviews for and even selling those items. Starting a blog is free and attracting subscribers can be easy, if you are willing to read and comment on other people’s blogs. So you can make money blogging, who knew.
  4. MLM or Network Marketing: There are really awesome oppotunities out there, where the bussiness plan is already designed for you. Let’s say you where to buy a franchise. How much would it cost to get started? Yeah, you guessed it, more than what you have. Here is another scenario: what if Giant Food or another store, said, “We will give you 15 percent of every item you buy, and 10 percent of every item other people buy as long as you where the one who got them to buy those items.” Would you do it? Would that make since to you? That is what MLM or Network Marketing offers, and it is very cheap to get started.
My next post, I will be going into detail on how to get started one by one on each of these ideas. Some of the information will get a little technical. I got your back, don’t worry.
Here is what I am doing. Every month I will be holding a drawing for $100.00.  Starting with September I will sweeten the kiddy with $200.00. Goto for how I will conduct this drawing.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

More About What To Promote

More About What To Promote
The following is a list of items or products you can sell. Whatever you choose, you will become a subject matter expert, you will become the authority on this item or items. Please pick something that you are passionate about, something that you will not mind dreaming about, because you probably will. I will give a brief description about each idea, and later we will go into detail on how to get started.
  1. Selling Individual Items: Some sites sell individual items like memory chips, you will want to pick something that everyone needs. Research this item, get to know the item, then write about the item. In doing this, you will build a knowledge and build trust with your future customers. The next step is to find the item, lets call it a widget for now, you need to find a place where you can buy it wholesale. This is where you will make your money, always make your money up front, on the purchase side. Too many people or sites try to make their money afterward by overcharging for their merchandise. Unless the widget is a collectible, nobody will come to your site to buy an overpriced widget that they could have gotten somewhere else for far less money. You will want to become an affiliate for amazon or some other company and promote their site, and merchandise. More on this later, I will show you how.
  2. Online Tutor: Again you will need to become a subject matter expert, maybe resurrect some old hobby you use to have. I hope it is something that you love because it will become either a wonderful dream or a nightmare. You will eat, sleep, and possibly, well you know. Do you play the guitar or some type of instrument? Maybe you have some type of special knowledge, a history major, or biologist, computer scientist, programmer, the list can go on forever. The next step is to write an ebook on this subject and you guessed it, sell it on your site. You are also going to want to provide a question and answer forum for your future students. Remember you will be the go to person when they have questions. You may even plan to make videos and sell them as well. I will also go into great detail on how to do this.
  3. Info Broker: This is one of my favorites because the possibilities are limitless and google and wikipedia have made it so easy to collect little nuggets of knowledge from experts all over the world. The only caveat is, like I said in a previous blog post. the internet has become literally overtaken by this idea. Information is still the key, it is all in how you package it and if you couple it with a product of value you will have quite a niche market.
  4. Yard Sale Guru: Every weekend you drive by them, you never stop, however there is a gold mine up in them hills. People are selling their lives and they paid hefty sums for them wares. Now they are selling it for dirt cheap, what a bargain. Even if your neighborhood is not known for great yardsales, people have stuff they want to sell. Your approach is (I have an online website where I help people sell their unwanted valubles) you fill in the blank. You will need a craiglist account and an ebay account and a storage unit. Unless you have a huge home or empty basement with no mold.
  5. Okay number five will have to wait until next time.                                                                          
Here is what I am doing. Every month I will be holding a drawing for $100.00.  Starting with September I will sweeten the kiddy with $200.00. Goto for how I will conduct this drawing.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What will you sell or promote?

What will you sell or promote?
There are a number of products that you can promote and sell. This subject is a personal decision, however you should give more thought to this than any of the topics we have discussed so far. Before I talk about some of my ideas, let us talk about what appeals to you. When selecting a product, merchandise or any other item that appeals to your future customers, you yourself should be completely sold on your choice of snake oils, and charms that you choose to promote. What you choose to promote should be something you have no problem approaching a complete stranger on the street with, and trying to convince them to buy it from you. Ask yourself:  Am I sold on this? Would I buy this item over and over? Would I tell a friend about this? Would you buy this for a friend or family member? What would they think about your widget? Can you explain your widget in complete detail several different ways? Can you sell your widget several different ways. What is the benefit of your widget, and why is it so valuble to me or you?
Now that you are completely perplexed, let us talk about 1997, 98 before the internet was in everybody’s home and we could not live without the world wide web. Then you could not give the internet away, never mind sell it or market it to the masses. There where a few people that where trying to make a stab at it. I was one of them, I bet you would like to know what I was selling. Well, I am going to tell you. It was this thing called a computer. At the time, it did not fit in your pocket and you could barely call it personal. I marketed it on the web, door to door, and to businesses, well as to anybody that was within ten feet of me or maybe twenty feet, okay if you could hear my voice I was going to try to sell you a computer. I was not happy though, just selling computers I knew that information would be the key. Besides, big business was breathing down my neck. I bought this program that showed you how to put together an info packet about any subject and market it (in the form of a booklet, book or software). By the time you finished studying this program, you would be an info marketing expert. Matthew Lesko would be proud of you. If you do not know who Matthew Lesko is, google him. The reason I brought this story up is because the internet is littered with this type of marketing. If you choose to market information, make it your own.
If you choose to market tennis shoe’s, clothes, memory chips, cutlery, a business plan, information, or whatever you choose, research what others are doing with that particular widget or how others are selling what you choose to sell. Once you pick a product, the best way to find out how that product will sell on the web is by using google keywords or the google keyword search tool. This is like mining for gold and someone walks up to you and give’s you the biggest nugget you have every seen (I am talking the size of your fist big and if you have a small fist than the size of softball big). Instead of me telling you step by step how to do this, it will be easy enough for you to google it. This tool will blow your socks off.
Here is what I am doing. Every month I will be holding a drawing for $100.00.  Starting with September I will sweeten the kiddy with $200.00. Goto for how I will conduct this drawing.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

To have a website or not to have a website?

When planning a business on the web most people think they need an elaborate well designed high dollar web page. Most are surprised to find that the simplest pages on the web are responsible for a good portion of the income made on the web. Let us take google for example, when you dial up google pun intended all you get is some tabs and a search bar, however who will argue with the success of google. I challenge you to compare that  to Yahoo or even MSN, as you can see simple is better. When a user or subscriber visits your site, you do not want them to go cross eyed looking at all the attractions, but have no idea what you really want them to do. Build your site with a purpose in mind, guide the user to where you want them to go. 

I use to manage a convenience store, and when the customer came in they were guided through the store without them even being aware of it. We had books filled with plan-o-grams, little maps of each section of the store. Most customers knew exactly what they wanted, but the great majority where browsers almost like visitors for the very first time, a kid in the candy store. We would take them by the hand and guide them through the store. On a hot day we did not want them to go to the cooler first, we wanted them to browse the snacks first a bag of chips, maybe some peanuts, how about a candy bar. The point is; what do you want the customer, client or subscriber to do? When you figure that out, then you get them to do it. Remember to keep it simple.

What if I told you that you did not even need a website to start a business on the web. Even better what if I told you it would even be free to get started. By now the term blog is on everyone's lips, and everyone is blogging about something or someone. This though is not a new idea, the newspapers and magazines have been doing this for years. The difference is that it cost the newspapers and magazines thousands to millions of dollars to goto print, but it could cost you nothing. I know you are thinking; yeah but how do I make money blogging? What is on the front page of every newspaper? On the front page of every newspaper, is the main story but not the whole story you would have to dig deeper and goto another page to get the full story. While you are doing that your eyes and mind are getting a treat, along the way you are saying I need to get one of those, I really need that, that cost how much, I am going to go back and read that article etc, etc, etc. You almost forget what you where reading about, and when you start the next article it starts all over. Very clever, do you want to take the red pill or the blue pill either way you are going down the rabbit hole.

Hey where you going I'm not ready for you to leave yet.

Here is what I am doing. Every month I will be holding a drawing for $100.00.  Starting with September I will sweeten the kiddy with $200.00. Goto for how I will conduct this drawing.